2017 ISSTD Pierre Janet Writing Award
Translations of Treating Trauma-related Dissociation available in Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Finnish, Korean, and Japanese.
2011 Isstd pierre janet writing award
Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation is an award winning book for both therapists and patients. It is a one-of-a-kind skills manual that addresses specific psychological, physical, social, and daily life problems related to dissociation. Each chapter focuses on a particular skill and includes short and easy to read explanations, tips and suggestions to manage specific problems, and homework exercises to practice during the week. The book can be used in a structured group or in individual therapy.
Translations of Coping with Trauma-Related dissociation
Finnish (2011): Traumaperäisen Dissosiaatiohäriön Vakauttaminen
Spanish (2011): Vivir con disociación traumática: Entrenamiento de habilidades para pacientes y terapeutas
Swedish (2012): Att hantera traumarelaterad dissociation: Färdighetsträning för patienter och deras terapeuter
Dutch (2012): Omgaan met traumagerelateerde dissociatie: Vaardigheidstraining voor patienten en hun therapeuten
German (2013): Traumabedingte Dissoziation bewältigen: Ein Skills-Training für Klienten und ihre Therapeuten
Italian (2013): La dissociazione traumatica: Comprenderla e afrontarla
Norwegian (2014): Traumerelatert dissosiasjon: Ferdighetstrening for pasienter og terapeuter
French (2014): Gérer la dissociation d'origine traumatique: Exercices pratiques pour patients et thérapeutes
2006 ISSTD Written Media Award
The Haunted Self is part of the acclaimed Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology. It provides a comprehensive and integrative approach to the theory and treatment of trauma-related dissociation. Drawing on interpersonal neurobiology, affective neuroscience, learning theory, the works of Pierre Janet, psychodynamic theory, and cognitive behavioral approaches, this book is for those who wish to have an in-depth understanding of dissociation and its treatment across a wide range of trauma-related disorders.
Translations of The haunted Self
Spanish (2008): El Yo Tormentado
German (2008): Das verfolgte Selbst
Finnish (2009): Vainottu mieli
Dutch (2010): Het belaagde zelf
French (2010): Le soi hanté
Italian (2011): Fantasmi nel sé
Japanese (2011): Kouzouteki karai: Manseigaishou no rikai to chiyou
Korean (2013): Kac Hin Ja
Russian (2013): Prizraki proshlogo: Strukturnaya dissotziatzia i terapiya posledstvii hronicheskoy travmy
Steele, K., & Mosquera, D. (in press). Dissociation and EMDR. In Oxford Handbook of EMDR.
Steele, K. (2021). Beyond attachment: Understanding motivational systems in complex trauma and dissociation. In D. Siegel, A. Schore, & L. Cozolino (Eds.) Interpersonal neurobiology and clinical practice (pp. 85-112). New York. Norton.
Steele, K., & Van der Hart, O. (2019). Assessing and treating complex dissociative disorders. In Courtois, C. A., & Ford, J. A. (Eds.). Treating complex traumatic stress disorders in adults: Scientific foundations and therapeutic models (2nd ed.) (pp. 149-167). New York: Guilford.
Steele, K., & Van der Hart O. (2019). The hypnotherapeutic relationship with traumatized patients: Pierre Janet’s contribution to current treatment. In Craparo, G., Ortu, F., and Van der Hart, O. (Eds.) Rediscovering Pierre Janet: Trauma, dissociation, and a new context for psychoanalysis (pp. 145-163). New York: Routledge.
Steele, K. (2017). Lessons I never wanted to learn. In R. B. Gartner (Ed.). Trauma and countertrauma, resilience and counterresilience: Insights from psychoanalysts and trauma experts. London, England: Routledge.
Steele, K., & Van der Hart, O. (2013). Understanding attachment, trauma and dissociation in complex developmental trauma disorders In A. Danquah & K. Berry (Eds.) Attachment theory in adult mental health: A guide to clinical practice (pp. 78-94). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Van der Hart, O., & Steele, K. (2013). Chronic traumatization and the theory of structural dissociation. In F. Kennedy, H. Kennerly, & D. Pearson (Eds.). Cognitive behavioural approach to the understanding and treatment of dissociation. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
Steele, K., & Van der Hart, O. (2009). Treating dissociation. In J.D. Ford & C. Courtois (Eds.), Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders (Adults): Scientific foundations and therapeutic models (pp. 145-165). New York: Guilford Publications.
Steele, K., Dorahy, M., Van der Hart, O., & Nijenhuis, E.R.S. (2009). Dissociation and alterations in consciousness: Different but related concepts. In P.F. Dell, & J. O’Neill. (Eds.). Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorders: DSM-V and Beyond. New York: Routledge.
Steele, K., Van der Hart, O., & Nijenhuis, E.R.S. (2009). The theory of trauma-related structural dissociation of the personality. In P.F. Dell, & J. O’Neill. (Eds.). Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorders: DSM-V and Beyond. New York: Routledge.
Van der Hart, O., & Steele, K. (2008). Anniversary reactions. In G. Reyes, J.D. Elhai, & J.D. Ford (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Van der Hart, O., & Steele, K. (2008). Hysteria. In G. Reyes, J.D. Elhai, & J.D. Ford (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Nijenhuis, E.R.S., Van der Hart, O., & Steele, K. (2008). Biopsychosocial integration. In G. Reyes, J.D. Elhai, & J.D. Ford (Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Nijenhuis, E.R.S., Van der Hart, O., & Steele, K. (2006). Traumerelatert strukturell dissosiasjon av personligketen [in Norwegian; Trauma-related dissociation of the personality]. In T. Anstorp, K. Benum, & M. Jakobsen (Eds.), Dissosiasjon og relasjonstraumer: Integreringav det splittede jeg (pp. 73-88). Oslo, Norway: Universitetsforlaget.
Steele, K., Van der Hart, O., & Nijenhuis, E.R.S. (2006). Faseorientert behandling av kompleks traumatisering: Arbeid med dissosiasjon og traumerelaterte fobier [in Norwegian; Phase-oriented treatment of complex traumatization: Working with dissociation and trauma-related phobias]. In T. Anstorp, K. Benum, & M. Jakobsen (Eds.), Dissosiasjon og relasjonstraumer: Integrering av det splittede jeg (pp. 105-121). Oslo, Norway: Universitetsforlaget.
Van der Hart, O., Steele, K., Nijenhuis, E. R. S., & Mattheß, H. (2006). Structurelle Dissoziation der Persönlichkheit und die Behandlung tramatischer Erinnerungen [in German; Structural dissociation of the personality and the treatment of chronic traumatization]. In A. Maercker & R. Rosner (Eds). Psychotherapie der posttraumatischen Belastungsstörungen [Psychotherapy of posttraumatic disorders] (pp. 156-1730). Stuggart/New York: Georg Thieme Verlag.
Steele, K., Van der Hart, O., & Nijenhuis, E. (2004). Phasenorientierte Behandlung komplexer dissoziativer Störungen: die Bewältigung traumabezogener Phobien [in German; Phase oriented treatment of complex dissociative disorders: Overcoming trauma-related phobias] In A. Eckhart-Henn & S.O. Hoffman (Eds.). Dissoziative Bewustseinsstörungen: Theorie, symptomatik, therapie (pp. 357-394). [Dissociative Disorders of Consciousness: Theory, symptoms, therapy]. Stuggart/New York: Schattauer.
Nijenhuis, E.R.S., Van der Hart, O., & Steele, K. (2004). Strukturelle Dissoziation der Persönlichkeitsstruktur: traumatischer Upsprung, phobische Residuan [in German; Structural dissociation of the personality: Traumatic origins, phobic maintenance]. In A. Hofmann, L. Reddemann, & U. Gast (Eds.), Psychotherapie der dissoziativen Störungen [Psychotherapy of dissociative disorders] (pp.47-69). Stuttgart/New York: Georg Thieme Verlag.
Nijenhuis, E.R.S., Van der Hart, O., & Steele, K. (2002). The emerging psychobiology of trauma-related dissociation and dissociative disorders. In D’Haenen, Den Boer, & Willner (Eds.). Biological Psychiatry (pp 1079-1098). London: Wiley.
Steele, K., & Colrain, J. (1990). Abreactive work with sexual abuse survivors: Concepts and techniques. In M. A. Hunter (Ed.). The Sexually Abused Male, Vol. 2: Application of Treatment Strategies (pp. 1-55). Lexington MA: Lexington Press.
Mitchell, S., & Steele, K. (in press, 2020). Mentalizing in complex trauma and dissociative disorders. European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation.
Brand, B., Schielke, H., Putnam, K., Putnam, F., Loewenstein, R., Myrick, A., Jepsen, E., Langeland, W., Steele, K., Classen, C., & Lanius, R. (2019). An online educational program for individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder and their clinicians: 1-year and 2-year followup. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 32, 156-166.
Steele, K. (2018). Dependency in the psychotherapy of chronically traumatized individuals: Using motivational systems to guide effective treatment. Cognitivismo Clinico, 15(2), 221-226.
Mosquera, D, & Steele, K. (2017). Complex trauma, dissociation and borderline personality disorder: Working with integrative failures. European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 1, 63-71.
Van der Hart, O., Steele, K., & Nijenhuis, E. (2017). The treatment of traumatic memory in complex dissociative disorders. European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 1, 25-35.
Steele, K. (2013). Six reasons to understand and treat dissociation. Paradigm, 18, 12-15.
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. (2011). [Chu, J. A., Dell, P. F., Van der Hart, O., Cardeña, E., Barach, P. M., Somer, E., Loewenstein, R. J., Brand, B., Golston, J. C., Courtois, C. A., Bowman, E. S., Classen, C., Dorahy, M., ¸Sar, V., Gelinas, D. J., Fine, C. G., Paulsen, S., Kluft, R. P., Dalenberg, C. J., Jacobson-Levy, M., Nijenhuis, E. R. S., Boon, S., Chefetz, R. A., Middleton, W., Ross, C. A., Howell, E., Goodwin, G., Coons, P. M., Frankel, A. S., Steele, K., Gold, S. N., Gast, U., Young, L. M., & Twombly, J.]. Guidelines for treating dissociative identity disorder in adults, third revision. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 12, 115–187.
Steele, K. (2011). When the patient is abusive to the therapist. ISSTD News, 29(4).
Nijenhuis, E., Van der Hart, O., & Steele, K. (2010). Trauma-related structural dissociation of the personality. Ativitas Nervosa Superior, 52, 1-23.
Steele, K. (2009). The road is made by walking: A quarter century of being with dissociation. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, 45(2), 6-12. Reprinted with permission in Inside Out: Journal of the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, 70, 45-54, 2013.
Steele, K. (2009). Reflections on realization, integration and institutional mentalization. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 10(1), 1-8.
Van der Hart, O., Steele, K., Nijenhuis, E., & de Soir, E. (2009). Souvenirs traumatiques: Leur traitement selon le modèle de la dissociation structurelle de la personnalité. Revue Francophone du Stress et du Trauma, 9(2), 81-92.
Lensvelt-Mulders, G., Van der Hart, O., Van Ochten, J. M., Van Son, M. J. M., Steele, K. & Breeman, L. (2008). Relations among peritraumatic dissociation and posttraumatic stress: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 28, 1138-1151.
Van der Hart, O., Van Ochten, J. M., Van Son, M. J. M., Steele, K., & Levsvelt-Mulders, G. (2008). Relations among peritraumatic dissociation and posttraumatic stress: A critical review. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 9(4), 481-505.
Nijenhuis, E., Van der Hart, O., Steele, K., De Soir, E., & Matthess, H. (2006). Dissociation structurelle de la Personnalité et Trauma. [in French; Structural dissociation of the personality and trauma]. Stress et trauma, 6(3), 125-139.
Steele, K., Van der Hart, O., & Nijenhuis, E.R.S. (2005). Phase-oriented treatment of structural dissociation in chronic traumatization: Overcoming trauma-related phobias. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 6(3),11-53.
Spanish translation of Phase-oriented treatment of structural dissociation in complex traumatization: Overcoming trauma-related phobias.(2005). Tratamiento secuenciado en fases de la disociación compleja: Superar las fobias relacionadas con el trauma. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 6(3)
Ford, J., Courtois, C., Steele, K., Van der Hart, O., & Nijenhuis, E. (2005). Treatment of complex posttraumatic self-dysregulation. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 18, 437-448.
Van der Hart, O., Nijenhuis, E.R.S., & Steele, K., (2005). Dissociation: An under-recognized major feature of Complex PTSD. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 18, 413-424.
Steele, K., & Pain, C. (2004). The integration of somatic approaches and traditional psychotherapy with chronically traumatized patients. The International Society for the Study of Dissociation News, 22 (1), 4-5.
Van der Hart, O. Nijenhuis, E.R.S., Steele, K., & Brown, D. (2004). Trauma-related dissociation: Conceptual clarity lost and found. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 38 (11-12), 906-914.
Nijenhuis, E.R.S., Van der Hart, O., Kruger, K., & Steele, K. (2004). Somatoform dissociation, reported abuse and animal defence-like reactions. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 38, 678-686.
Nijenhuis, E.R.S., Van der Hart, O., & Steele, K. (2004). Trauma-related structural dissociation of the personality. www.trauma-pages.com.
Steele, K., & Van der Hart, O. (2004). The hypnotherapeutic relationship with traumatized patients: Pierre Janet’s contributions to current treatment. Janetian Studies,1 (1). http://pierre-janet.com.
Steele, K., Van der Hart, O., & Nijenhuis, E.R.S. (2001). Dependency in the treatment of complex PTSD and dissociative disorder patients. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 2, 79-116.
Van der Hart, O., Steele, K. & Ford, J.D. (2001). Introducing issues in the treatment of Complex PTSD. Traumatic Stress Points, 15(4), 10-11.
Van der Hart, O., Van Dijke, A., Van Son, M. & Steele, K. (2000). Somatoform dissociation in acutely traumatized WWI soldiers: A neglected intellectual heritage. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 1(4), 33-66.
Van der Hart, O. & Steele, K. (2000). The integration of traumatic memories versus abreaction: Clarification of terminology. International Society for the Study of Dissociation News, 18(2), 4-5.
Van der Hart, O. & Steele, K. (1999). Relieving or reliving childhood trauma: A commentary on Miltenburg and Singer (1997). Theory and Psychology, 9 (4), 533-540.
Van der Hart, O., & Steele, K. (1997). Time distortions in dissociative identity disorder: Janetian concepts and techniques. Dissociation, 9, 93-105.
Van der Hart, O., Steele, K. , Boon, S., & Brown, P. (1995). Die Behandlung traumatischer Erinnerungen: Synthese, Bewußtwerdung und Integration. [in German; The treatment of traumatic memory: Synthesis, realization, and integration]. Hypnose und Kognition, 12(2), 1-28.
Van der Hart, O., Steele, K. , Boon, S., & Brown, P. (1993). Le traitement des mémoires traumatiques: Synthèse, réalisation, et intégration. [in French, The treatment of traumatic memory: Synthesis, realization, and integration]. Dissociation, 6(2/3), 162-180.
Van der Hart, O., Steele, K. , Boon, S., & Brown, P. (1993). The treatment of traumatic memories: Synthesis, realization, and integration. Dissociation, 6(2/3), 162-180.
Steele, K. (1989). Sitting with the shattered soul. Pilgrimage: Journal of Psychotherapy and Personal Exploration, 15(6), 19-25. Reprinted in Treating Abuse Today, 1(1), 1991.